The Buzz Around Wayne County


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A shortage of bus drivers? I believe more people would want to be bus drivers if they were paid accordingly and students acted the way they were supposed to on the bus- es. A lot of responsibility for the drivers with low pay! I can't believe Goldsboro approved a new gas station on the corner of New Hope Rd and Cuyler Best!! Why does Goldsboro continue to charge us for yard waste pick up without providing that service every two weeks? I don't think the sheriff or his guys need to be parking in handicap spots! When the fair comes I got my cameras ready! To whoever was driving down Spence Ave. this morning at around 9:45 am in a white SUV, you almost caused a three-car collision behind you. You did not use a turn signal (which is illegal, and by the way-people cannot read your mind)! Please tell everyone to Slow Down! Living on Mitchell Farm Road, Goldsboro, is like living near a racetrack, very dangerous. I think the police could be very successful at ticketing speeders here. The Wayne County Museum is a treasure here in Wayne County!! Throughout the year, there are amazing exhibits and events; including f ree and educational children's programs! I highly recommend anyone who is interested in history to visit the muse- um to learn about our county and so much more. Why do we keep bringing in car washes and oil change places? Why not Kohls or Home Depot? Lowe's needs a run for their money! Goldsboro is getting a used bookstore downtown and I'm excited about it! I look for- ward to visiting Between the Lines at 144 N. Center St, Goldsboro! Why does this county not do something about the strays? Why is there not a program in place anymore for low cost spay and neuter? Why so many mattress shops in this County? All of Goldsboro's service fees, storm fees, etc., and the drains stay stopped up for years unless it's a major storm coming then they rush to half clean them. This is what you call robbing people without a gun Let's be real. Grocery prices have gone up for 3.5 years not because of price gauging but because of current policies of Biden's administration to include Kamala! W A Y N E C O U N T Y Speak Your Mind! We have started a new feature on our Buzz Facebook page. At the end of each month we will be seeking your comments concerning anything happening in Wayne County. From Goldsboro to Mt Olive, to Pikeville to LaGrange, to Princeton, please let us know anything that's on your mind. It can be anything such as something you wish was better, something or someone bugging you, something your public officials could be doing better, anything!! The top comments will be published in the following month's Buzz or you can email them anytime to HERE ARE THE TOP COMMENTS FROM SEPTEMBER'S WAYNE COUNTY, SPEAK YOUR MIND! 4 THE BUZZ AROUND WAYNE COUNTY September 2024 Pleasant Grove OFWB Church 1100 Pikeville-Princeton Rd | Pikeville, NC September 21, 2024 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Please come and shop with various independent consultant vendors as well as homemade and handmade craft vendors! There will be sausage and ham biscuits sold for breakfast and bowls of soup sold for lunch. Come and start your Christmas Shopping! For more information Call Marsha Sauls 919-222-8837 Happy Labor Day By Mary Wroblewski On the first Monday of September in the United States, Labor Day is celebrated. This year that date is September 2nd. For many it is the last hooray of summer, for others, it is a day to capitalize on shopping with many "sales" on summer close-outs as well as clothing, electron- ics, home goods and furnishings. Federal and local government offices, banks and schools will be closed as will many businesses, allowing for time for observance of this holiday. However, in the 24/7 world that we live in as well as work forces that require 24/7 staff- ing, the majority of workers will be spending the holiday at work. The celebration generally encompasses the entire weekend leading up to holiday, so at some point during the long holiday weekend, most folks will have time to kick back and remember why we have this holiday in the first place. Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894 after 30 states were already officially cele- brating the holiday. It was created by members of the labor movement that organized strikes and rallies during the Industrial Revolution of the 1900's fighting for better working conditions. We can thank those involved in the early fight for workers' rights for the benefits enjoyed by workers today; like the 40-hour work week, paid time off, sick leave, safe working environments, and the list goes on. The struggle continues today as the work place and jobs evolve, equal pay for equal work can still be an issue., and AI is knock- ing at our front door. So, whatever your Labor Day holiday weekend looks like, take a moment to reflect on those who wanted a world where the worker was respected, treated fairly, could make a living wage, and would be safe doing so. May this always hold true in our country and throughout the world. Happy Labor Day Wayne County! Sunrise Kiwanis Club 34th Annual Superball Golf Tournament The Sunrise Kiwanis Club held its 34th An- nual Superball Golf Tournament at the Goldsboro Golf Course on Thursday August 22nd to raise money to grant to organizations that support children in Wayne County and Eastern, North Carolina. Kiwanian Grant Webber, chair of the Golf Tournament Committee, reported a record num- ber of 80 players on 20 teams that competed. This tournament is the second highest grossing tournament in club history. The team from Landscape Design took first place with Democko Chiropractic coming in 2nd, Hwy 55 taking 3rd, and Markham, Mitchell and Stroud rounding out 4th place. Dream Mak- ers won Middle of the Pack. The tournament had 65 sponsors includ- ing Hole-In-One Sponsor, Travel Agent - Mallory Dumond, Hwy 55 as Lunch Sponsor, and Accu- Copy as Print & Media Sponsor. Special thanks to Obie Agbasi and the staff at Goldsboro Golf Course for their hard work and support. The Sunrise Kiwanis meet weekly each Wednesday at 7 a.m. at B&G Grill in Downtown Goldsboro. All are welcome to attend.

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