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Let us help you advertise your next event! JULIE 919.738.4182 11 THE BUZZ AROUND WAYNE COUNTY September 2024 "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow" By Mary Kay Best There's a song I used to sing with my Aunt Jackie in church. She would sing alto and I would attempt to sing soprano. The words ring true on and on. The name of it is; "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow." Written by Arthur F. Stanphill (1950). Be encouraged that God hears your prayers. Keep focused on Him and be in His word. 1 I don't know about tomorrow, just live from day to day. I don't borrow from its sunshine, For its skies may turn to gray. I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said, And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead. Refrain: Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand; But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand. Mary Kay Best, Pastor The Church at Beston It Is Well By Sandy Brannan Most of us have heard the hymn "It Is Well with My Soul" where we're reminded God provides peace for us no matter what. I grew up hearing this song but didn't always know the story behind the lyrics. Someone very dear to me recently shared the backstory to this hymn, giving me a new appreciation for it. Thinking about everything the songwriter went through is heart-wrenching. Listening to the song that poured out of him during such an unbelievable tragedy is also humbling and eye-opening. God tells us again and again in the Bible to always keep our focus on Him. We read many examples of lives filled with sorrow. We read about peace found only by trusting in Jesus. The song talks about "when sorrows like sea billows roll" which is appropriate consid- ering the specific tragedy the songwriter was sharing with us. I can't help but think about how, as a child, I sang about building a house on a rock so waves couldn't knock it down. Just like waves are inevitable if we are in the middle of the ocean, troubles will find their way to our lives. The only way to find the peace described in this song is to have a firm relationship with Jesus. If we are followers of Jesus, we will be able to declare, like the writer of the hymn, that we can find comfort in the "peace like a river" even amid the waves of the ocean of our life. KEEP LEARNING MORE By Jessica Daly For years I worked as a consumer health librarian for a hospital system in Orlando, Florida. My primary job was to assist patients and their families learn how to research their health which empowered them as they took control of their physical and mental wellbeing. I would often run across a patient who would tell me they knew everything there was to know about their diagnosis because they had been dealing with it for many years and they did not need my help. My comeback was to explain how medical research discovers new things every day! The truth is, the most suc- cessful and accomplished medical profession- als I worked with were the ones who contin- ued to grow and learn each day to better care for their patients. This made me think about how often followers of Jesus have a similar mindset. We believe because we have read the Bible and been a "Christian" for many years, they have nothing new to learn about God. The truth is, we can NEVER learn everything there is to know about God. As we continue to draw closer to Him, He reveals new and exciting things to us sometimes with a scripture we have read a thousand times before. 2 Peter 3:18" tells us to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." This means we must continue to learn from the teachings of Jesus daily. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Celebrating Their 117th Anniversary! SPECIAL EVENT: BUILDING BRIDGES St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, located at 901 Har- ris Street, is preparing to cele- brate their 117th Anniversary. As part of the celebration, St. Andrew's is hosting a special event on Saturday, September 14 from 4pm-6pm, entitled "Building Bridges: Our Community Commitment to Transforming Public Education." This gathering, aims to explore the his- torical context, current challenges, and future opportunities for North Carolina's public school system. It will be presented by the Rev. Suzanne Parker Miller, Executive Director of Pastors for NC Children. All community members are invited to this presentation and community conversation about how to advo- cate for strong public schools that serve all children, especially our most vulnerable, as a way to love our neighbors and build beloved community. Pastors for NC Children's mission is to mobilize faith communities in support of public schools across North Carolina. Rev. Suzanne Parker Miller is a Moravian minister who attended the Divinity School at Duke University and graduated from The Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, Pennsyl- vania. In addition to her work with Pastors for North Carolina Children, she currently serves as co-pastor of The Table Moravian Church in Apex, North Carolina. The Anniversary celebration will contin- ue on Sunday, September 15, with a worship service led by the Rev. Suzanne Parker Miller at 11am, and a celebratory meal following the service. For more information, contact St. Andrew's at 919-734-0550, visit our web- site at, or contact Rev. Suzanne Parker Miller at PastorsForNC- RSVP for the event at

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