The Buzz Around Wayne County


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10 THE BUZZ AROUND WAYNE COUNTY September 2024 Haircuts & Blow Dry • Perns • Color Waxing • Hi-Lites • Wedding & Formal Styles Featuring Products From: Rusk • It's A 10 • Paul Mitchell Professional Brushes & Flatirons Featheon Rhea Val's Hairport Salon & Spa 1208 Parkway Drive, Suite A (next to Flower's For You) 919-394-8156 •Mon-Sat 10am • Closed Tues WELCOME FALL • WELCOME FALL • WELCOME FALL WELCOME FALL • WELCOME FALL • WELCOME FALL WELCOME FALL • WELCOME FALL WELCOME FALL • WELCOME FALL Lawnmower Logic By Kriquette Davis I am a lover of grass cutting. Seriously. I used to say that I was going to get a job cutting grass when I retired. Just ride, mow, listen to my tunes and relax. Perfect. I am not retired, but I do cut the grass. It usually takes me about 3.5 hours. Why do I love it so much? 1) It is instant gratification. You can immedi- ately see neatly cut grass. 2) I get to listen to all my favorite music- that varies quite a bit. 3) Last, but least, it gives me time to think without distraction. We are so distracted these days, cell phones, computers, TV, Facebook, Instagram, etc. There is always usually TV on in my house. I do not like it. I like quiet. In the past few months, it has made me increasingly anxious as all the political ads, debates and news are off the chain. As in crazy. I do not care what party you are affiliated with; they are all constantly swiping at each other. While all of this is going on, it leaves our country vulnerable to dangerous situations. It is truly very frightening. I am grateful for all the se- curity and surveillance, as well as our troops. But if the people running the country are so distracted trying to destroy each other, who is monitoring that? It is very disheartening. Last week as I was cutting grass, I was thinking about the state of politics and our country. You know what I think? Regardless of the outcome of the local, state, and national elections, there will be no winners. Just a path of destruction and division. It makes me incredibly sad. Romans 12:2 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be trans- formed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" Let that sink in. Get ya some lawnmower therapy... it certainly cannot hurt. SEPTEMBER LADY By Clara Barnes Costner The day my daughter was born was a glorious day. Before she was born, like most mothers, I loved her, and it has only grown. When she became an adult, she started claiming September as her month. this article is written to honor and thank her for being the caring individual she is and for all the little things she does for us, her parents. When I look at her, I see myself and my hus- band. She got her work ethic from him. Her cal- endar is always full, and she loves it, however, she always makes time for others, especially her parents. Do not let the smile fool you. She keeps us on our toes, or I should say, off our feet, always telling us to "Get somewhere and sit down." She is a wife, the mother of an adult son, and an active teenage daughter. She is a courageous, loving, ambitious, and brave woman who is always prepared to encourage and lift the spirits of the people that others readily dismiss. Her aspirations are many and she intends to reach every goal she sets for herself, no matter how long it takes. It is only with God's help and guidance. As parents, it is hard not to give unsolicited advice sometimes. She listens because she is respectful, but she is her own woman. Not a carbon copy of anyone. We thank God for blessing us with you. We love you and Happy Birthday, SEPTEMPER LADY! "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." 1st John 4:11 KJV SEPTEMBER PLANT OF THE MONTH By Jessica Strickland Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) Black-eyed Susans or Rudbeckia are pop- ular plants in the landscape for their showy yellow flowers throughout late summer and early fall. Black-eyed Susans are a great plant for the landscape that thrives through hot, dry summers while still having a showy display of gold-yellow flowers. Black-eyed Susans performs best in full sun and well-drained soils though it can han- dle partial shade. Plants can reach heights up to 4 feet. Rudbeckia is considered a short-lived perennial or seen as an annual that will freely self-seed and remain in gardens for many years. It is a low maintenance plant with little pest problems, drought tolerant, and moder- ately deer resistance. This plant is native to eastern United States with many great attributes to a land- scape including attracting pollinators such as butterflies and birds and makes a great cut flower. There are many cultivars or varieties of Rudbeckia that provide unique characteristics slightly different from the typical Black-eyed Susans. 'Indian Summer' is one cultivar with showy 6-9' yellow flowers while 'Cherry Bran- dy' has cherry-red flowers. When looking for a low maintenance flowering plant to provide color from late sum- mer into the fall season, Rudbeckia could be a great plant to fill that need in your gardens. Jessica Strickland is an Agriculture Extension Agent, specializing in horticulture for North Carolina Cooperative Extension in Wayne County. Investing in Your Workforce and Teams As a culture, we invest in education and development programs from the age of about 5 to 22 to better ourselves and better our com- munities. But after that, many people enter the workforce and development opportunities disappear. We know learning and growing helps to prepare us for being successful in a workplace setting, but are there any benefits associated with companies continuing to invest in personal and organizational develop- ment once people actually enter the work- force? In one word….YES! Research clearly shows organizations should be investing in their workforce for multiple reasons. Here are the top benefits of investing in your workforce: Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Increased Productivity and Innovation Efficient Communication and Synergy Reduced Employee Turnover Established Leadership Pipeline So, why should organizations invest in their workforce? Because they cannot afford not to. Having development opportunities for employees to learn leadership skills, interper- sonal skills, effective communication, and an entrepreneurial problem-solving mindset leads to a more engaged and motivated workforce that is prepared to move with the company through change and advancements. Vanessa Spiron is the founder of Spiron Solutions, a small business dedicated to equip- ping organizations and employees for success. To read this full blog on Why Invest in Your Employees or contact the company about training services, visit www.spironsolutions. net.

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