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10 THE BUZZ AROUND WAYNE COUNTY July 2024 Haircuts & Blow Dry • Perms • Color Waxing • Hi-Lites • Wedding & Formal Styles Featuring Products From: Rusk • It's A 10 • Paul Mitchell Professional Brushes & Flatirons Featheon H A P P Y 4 T H O F J U LY ! • H A P P Y 4 T H O F J U LY ! H A P P Y 4 T H O F J U LY ! • H A P P Y 4 T H O F J U LY ! Rhea Val's Hairport Salon & Spa 1208 Parkway Dr., Ste A (next to Flower's For You) 919-394-8156 •Mon-Sat 10am • Closed Tues H A P P Y 4 T H O F J U LY ! H A P P Y 4 T H O F J U LY ! Whoever Dies With The Most Toys Wins - or Do They? By Kriquette Davis Malcolm Forbes said, "whoever dies with the most toys wins." There are lots of folks that believe that. I'm not here to make judgements, I'm just here to share my opinion and thoughts on a topic that is "uncomfortable." Folks work hard so that they may provide for their families and live comfortably. They work to have nice things and be able to enjoy life. They work to be able to leave things for their children or grandchildren. Some folks are more successful than others and have an over abundance of assets and money - I'm talking about after all of the things I just spoke about. A lot of these folks are very giving and share their excess with others through acts of kindness, supporting higher education, charities, etc. and out of those, many do not want any acknowledgment. We are all grateful for these folks, as they help our communities thrive. Then, there's other folks that cannot get enough- money, assets, clothes, cars, jewels etc. you get the picture. That is their choice. As I say often, you do you and I will do me. I try really hard to offer a judgement free zone. I'm not here to tell you what to do with your money and assets- I just would like you to read the devotion in the screen shots below. I am asking that you do not let greed suck you in. Greed destroys relationships with family and friends, but most of all it destroys you. Think about it... when you die do you think it is going with you? I mean seriously. Money and greed destroy more families and relationships than we are willing to admit. Talk to God about it. Love is what matters most. And do you know what? It does not cost a thing! We Stand As One By Clara Barnes Costner Labor Day weekend, we, the 1964 graduat- ing class of Dillard High School, celebrated our diamond anniversary. It has been sixty years since we graduated from High School. One of the weekend's highlights was our banquet, where we greeted classmates and friends, took time to catch up, and took pictures to remem- ber this grand occasion. Our class President and Officers did a fantastic job planning and executing this event. A presentation called "Where Are They Now" was informative. We learned of classmates who joined the military, and many were drafted and bravely served the country. To them, we say "THANK YOU! Many attended Academic Pow- erhouses (Colleges, Universities), to further their education. WELL DONE! Others got married and learned life lessons as wives and mothers or husbands and fathers. GOOD JOB! Some did all the above. SPLENDID! Whatever you did or did not do we are thankful. The scriptures tell us "In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ". Ready to encourage and help conquer anxi- eties, we stand as one voice in prayer, with God our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ our, Savior. It has been sixty years, we are still learning and growing. We have become a class filled with gentle and kind people, who love respect and genuinely care for all. Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." Philippians 2:2 KJV H E R E ' S T H E D E A L CAN A WOMAN BE A PASTOR? By Mary Kay Best Can a woman be a pastor? There are those in all of Christendom who say absolutely not. Well let's see what the scripture says. First, when Paul asks that the women be quiet in the temple—that's exactly what he meant. No more, no less. This says nothing about position/office within the body of Christ. Let's look at where what is called "an office" within the church, as a whole is. Again, this is Paul writing to the church at Ephesus; Ephesians 4:11-13 King James Version "11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." Nowhere in verse 11 does it say only men or only women. The word "some" here means anyone. God can call women, men and even children if he so chooses. Yes there is an authority that God has given men, but it is not to be lorded over women, ever in any arena of life. Joel 2:28-32 King James Version; "28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." In verse 28 "sons" are men "daughters" are women "shall prophesy" means to speak what God has put on the heart of a "believer" yes in foretelling things God has said, but also in the gifting of preaching/teaching the Gospel of Christ. I became a believer in Christ when I was 7 years old. I had a calling/strong stirring of Holy Spirit come all over me and in me as an adult, single mother, (for the 3rd time) in the sanctuary of Garris Chapel Church. About 2-3 weeks later visiting with Pastor Jerry Mitchell and his wife Diane, a heat came on me as he told me all about pastoral ministry. This heat only came on my elbow area on the left arm and up to my shoulder and neck and down to right arm to the elbow. It stayed on me from Goldsboro home, getting my children, putting them to bed, and writing out my calling (which Rev. Mitchell asked me to do). When I hit the period on the keyboard, the heat lifted off of me, as if a warm shawl had been removed. I just keep following what I believe God has asked me to do. God knows who is male and female. He calls the ones who have surrendered their hearts to the point that He can use the for the furtherance of His Kingdom. Some have been called and have run away from it. I chose to run to it. Yours truly, A Female Pastor. Have a Small Business or Home Based Business? LET US HELP YOU ADVERTISE! 1 5 , 0 0 0 C i r c u l a t i o n ! Give us a Call! Dan 919.273.0488 or Julie 919.738.4182

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