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11 THE BUZZ AROUND WAYNE COUNTY July 2024 Serving Breakfast Monday - Saturday 8AM - 10:30AM LUNCH SERVED 11AM-3PM Breakfast Sandwiches - Bagels - Muffins - Breakfast Bowls Full Lunch Menu -- Coffee Shoppe open 8AM to CLOSE. 111 North Center Street - Downtown Goldsboro, NC BENEFITS OF OUTSOURCING Do you ever wonder how you can get more time back in your day, hire quality can- didates with expertise, streamline your orga- nization, or do more with less? If so, consider outsourcing jobs to another company. Think about it, when you remodel your house, do you outsource that responsibility, or do you hire people directly to do the task? Contracting or outsourcing in business works much the same way. Consider this: We all know that employee training is important for a company's success. But sometimes, it is not a priority. This could be due to being over-extended or lacking budget. For example, a Human Resources professional may have the responsibility in their job description to identify training needs and set up the trainings, but find it impossible to do it if the priority is hiring candidates to fill empty positions. In this situation, a training management contract company (like Spiron Solutions) could come in and fill this role for the company. Instead of overextending the employee (which leads to burnout and quitting) or skipping training as a whole, the contracting or outsource company can run the training program until the company is able to take it over again. There are many areas of outsourcing for businesses and organizations. Consider the pros and cons of outsourcing duties and see what is best for your business. Vanessa Spiron is the owner of Spiron Solutions, LLC, an organizational and professional development training company that offers outsourcing services such as Training Management. Read our full blog on this topic at www. Better Than a Bodyguard By Jessica Daly Joshua 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. As humans we go to great lengths to keep ourselves and those, we love safe and avoid danger whenever possible. We have locks and security systems on our homes and cars, we keep our valuables in a safe, we carry weapons for protection, and we even avoid going places alone. While all of this seems necessary in the world we live today, can I just say none of these things are full proof. Let's take it even further. Many famous peo- ple hired bodyguards to protect them. They believe a large muscular man with a gun who also may know martial arts gives them the security they so desperately desire. While we should be vigilant, we must also believe that God is always with us. He under- stands the world is a sinful corrupt place. That is why He says to be strong and courageous. He commands us to not be frightened and to remember He is with us wherever we go. God is the ultimate bodyguard. He is all knowing and all powerful. Pray for His protection above all else and rest knowing He goes before you, stands with you, and has your back. Forty -Plus Daughters By Beverly Weeks I'm a mom with forty-plus daugh- ters! Although they are not my flesh and blood, I do consider them my adopted family. Every week Cry Freedom Missions does outreach in our local jail. We sometimes have 30-40 women who are incar- cerated and have been attending class inside the Wayne County Jail. They are learning life skills, job skills, coping skills, parenting, math, learning about forgiveness, the consequences of poor choices and we have even started our own choir! Y'all should hear us sing! We giggle, cry together, talk about our kids, and their struggles with addiction, and then just getting real we often cry some more. At the end of the day, I remind them that they are beautiful, and no matter what they have ever done, or where they have ever been in God's eyes they still have the same value. Their lives still have a purpose. The hugs, gentle whispers, and kisses on the cheek warm my momma's heart. You see these are somebody's daughters, nieces, granddaughters, moms, wives, sisters. Truth is we are all just one poor decision away from changing the rest of our lives Day in and day out, I see so many faces. There have been so many stories, so many secrets shared, times of grief, and even moments of celebration. Each inmate is beautiful in her own way and struggling to recognize her God-given poten- tial. I'll never understand why God allowed me to be a part of something so impactful and life-changing, but I'm glad He chose me! As long as you are breathing, there is always HOPE. Let's Open Our He ts By Sandy Brannan My husband and I were at Chick-fil-A recently when a young family paused near the front of our car. I gestured for them to go ahead, and the mother held tightly to the hands of her two little boys as she quickly rushed them in front of our car toward the restaurant. Right before she opened the door to get them safely inside, one of her sons turned around and waved at us. I had to smile at his innocence, but it made me think of other people in my life who are just as willing to open their hearts. I have a wonderful friend who just so happens to work at the same place I do. Every single day, she does something to make me smile. It's just who she is. She shares her heart in a wide-open way. She gives away smiles, kind words, and even heartfelt constructive criticism. It means a lot to me that she cares enough to help me improve a project. After all, if she didn't care about me, she wouldn't bother helping me make my work the best it can be. That little boy hasn't learned to lower a mask to protect himself from getting hurt. No, he simply responded to us in the only way he knows how, with his whole heart. My friend chooses to be how she is. It makes me wonder what the world would be like if we all opened our hearts a bit more.

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