The Buzz Around Wayne County


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I would rather see people shop with lo- cal businesses rather than bringing in a Home Depot. Thanks to all of you who recommend- ed UNC. Dr. William Green for my hip and back pain. Great bedside manner, and he treated me like he cared. Pretty much all restaurants in down- town Goldsboro are good. Just de- pends on what you are in the mood for. Walmarts have been going downhill for years. I quit going there when they put in those self-checkout registers as the grocery prices continue to go up. We had the best experience at Olive Garden. Our waitress was April. She was so attentive and didn't falter once despite having multiple tables. She's the epitome of an amazing waitress. I'm at Walmart, why do people feel the need to smoke while pumping gas? Doesn't Wayne County have a weed ordinance for maintaining yards. In our beautiful neighborhood, we have one neighbor who seems to think he lives in a cow pasture! I think we deserve more transparen- cy in the Sheriff Dept. It's scary times and it would help to know that we can count on them to be on the side of jus- tice. Fremont needs a grocery store! Walmart also needs to deliver to Fre- mont! WAYNE COUNTY Speak Your Mind! Drugs and shootings in the Goldsboro downtown area are terrible. I would love to see something done for our public schools. Teachers need sup- port, now more than ever. Aside f rom pay, they need time to plan and teach our kids. The lines on Wayne Memorial f rom The Agricultural Center to Tommy Rd. are in great need of repainting. It's a public safety issue and is a real concern during dark and rainy days mainly. I hope this is taken care of before someone get badly hurt. Need more patrolling on Hwy 117 espe- cially f rom 70 to the fairgrounds. People rush to be "first" causing wrecks and near misses. Many times I've seen semi- trucks almost hitting cars f rom tailgat- ing so close. Please tell me why, why do people in- sist on tossing their trash out their car windows, or leave it in a parking lot for someone else to clean up? Are we just that darn lazy and inconsiderate? Or is there a real reason why? There needs to be a city-wide enforce- ment of speeding in neighborhoods. The speed limit is 25 mph and people are constantly driving 35-55. City vehi- cles and school busses are the worst. This needs to STOP. Get rid of these abandoned houses in our communities, Trees and grass has taken over many! Tear them down! Make owners or the city accountable for this atrocious sites Please repave Rosewood road. It's in terrible shape. Would also like to know why we can't get Highwoods subdivi- sion paved? We have started a new feature on our Buzz Facebook page. At the end of each month we will be seeking your comments concerning anything happening in Wayne County. From Goldsboro to Mt Olive, to Pikeville to LaGrange, to Princeton, please let us know anything that's on your mind. It can be anything such as something you wish was better, something or someone bugging you, something your public officials could be doing better, anything!! The top comments will be published in the following month's Buzz or you can email them anytime to dan@ HERE ARE THE TOP COMMENTS FROM JUNE'S WAYNE COUNTY, SPEAK YOUR MIND! The countdown to summer is on and for many, it can't get here soon enough. Wayne County traditional high school seniors are anxiously awaiting graduation day and the beginning of the next chapter of their lives. The last day of school for Wayne County tra- ditional schools is upon us and families are finalizing their summer plans. Those plans may include: for young children… daycare, day camps, sports camps, science camps, sleep-away camps… and for the older teens there are camps and clinics for sports, music, dance, as well as, summer jobs, internships, drivers' education, and the list goes on. No specific plans? Institute family movie night, family game night, family stargazing night or watching for fireflies. Plan trips to the library, local parks and play grounds and pack a lunch. The hectic pace of our lives never seems to let up, but in the summer, we do enjoy a cer- tain since of ease and a lighter atmosphere prevails. Perhaps it is the lighter traffic on your daily commute because there is no school traffic, or maybe you feel the Zen be- cause you don't have to wrangle a teenager out of bed to avoid a tardy when they clearly want to sleep just a little bit longer, or maybe you are joyful because your younger chil- dren popped out of bed without prompting because it is Story Time at the library. What- S U M M E R T I M E , A N D T H E L I V I N G C A N B E E A S Y ! By Mary Wroblewski ever the reason for the young and the older, summer living is easier, relaxed, and low key. The longer days makes dinners together doable since summer heat makes lighter meals and cold salads popular (which can all be prepped ahead) and the opportunity to just "throw something on the grill" makes for an easy cleanup. The family is gener- ally happy to gather together for mealtime (especially when the meal is served outside) and share the details of their day. Teens tend to linger with the family when their conver- sation is valued and listened to. So, whatever your summer looks like, sim- plify wherever you can so you can join in. Family time is more important than you think and during these carefree days of summer make family your priority. The days when your children will want to spend time with you are fleeting, so make it count! Time together doesn't need to be fancy or costly; it needs to be real, with everyone fully present in the moment. Finally, let's not forget to celebrate Flag Day on June 14th and our loving Fathers on Father's Day, June 16th! Wishing you all a SAFE and Happy Summer Wayne County! Cindi Pate 919.222.5235 What: Preschool program offered at Bright Beginnings Christian Center 1&2 Where: Bright Beginnings Christian Center (2 locations) Located at 396 HWY 111 S. in Goldsboro/2808 East Ash street To qualify: Your child must be 4 years old before August 31 st . How: Come in anytime between 6:30am- 5:30pm and pick up an application. 919-778-1111/919-778-9053 FREE 4 THE BUZZ AROUND WAYNE COUNTY June 2024 HAVE A COOL & SAFE SUMMER! DON'T FORGET TO READ SOME BOOKS!!

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