The Buzz Around Wayne County


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Wishes, Wo ies, and Waiting By Sandy Brannan There's nothing wrong with wishing. We wish for things we don't have. We all do it because life isn't perfect for anyone. As young children, wishes equal antic- ipation. We wait for birthdays and holidays, making lists for the presents we hope for and asking for more as we blow out the candles on our cake. We get a bit older, and life makes us aware that not all wishes come true. We learn about disappointment, understanding that we won't always get what we want. As adults, we find ourselves faced with a choice. We can let ourselves get caught up in a constant state of worrying about our wishes or choose to wait. Most of us know worrying won't help. Jesus said it best in Luke 12:25 when He said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" I don't know about you, but when I read those words, I know Jesus is telling me not to worry. What do we do when our wishes don't come true? What do we do when time passes and nothing has changed? We wait. We wait because we aren't in charge. There's nothing wrong with wishing, but Jesus is reminding us that we need to have faith. And sometimes our faith looks a lot like wait- ing. After all, God is in control of our lives. Even the things no one else knows about, even the wishes that live in the deep- est part of our heart. H E R E ' S T H E D E A L Should you go to church these days, since we can watch on tv or YouTube? YES. Why? Because Jesus did and because He LOVES You. Are you looking for a church? You should go where the Word, The Bible is being preached/taught. Where the people there want to help others in the community. Where things, including music are spirit led and are heart of the Lord motivated. You should go to a church that loves this country, are patriots and stand on God's word as the right side of all the issues of our day. YOU ARE INVITED to check out a little 'ol country church where the above mentioned is intact. One visit, is worth it. 2360 NEW HOPE ROAD The Church at Beston The Upper Room, Kingdom Minded, Heart For Others Be encouraged to go to church this coming Sunday. Be encouraged to read the Bible and be encouraged that you are not alone. We are the ones who must make the effort to "draw close to God, and He will draw close to you." Mary Kay Best, Pastor The Church at Beston 11 THE BUZZ AROUND WAYNE COUNTY June 2024 Serving Breakfast Monday - Saturday 8AM - 10:30AM LUNCH SERVED 11AM-3PM Breakfast Sandwiches - Bagels - Muffins - Breakfast Bowls Full Lunch Menu -- Coffee Shoppe open 8AM to CLOSE. 111 North Center Street - Downtown Goldsboro, NC My Guide By Jessica Daly I have several places I would love to visit one day. The Grand Canyon is near the top of my list. Ever since I saw the Brady Bunch ep- isode when they visited, I have been hooked! With that said, I would never attempt to explore this natural wonder without a guide. I would definitely hire a professional guide to show me where to go and what to do while at the same time keeping me safe and protecting me from danger. I know nothing about this amazing place, so I need help. It would be a very poor decision for me to explore it on my own. Why do we do the same thing when it comes to traveling through our life? God tells us that He wants to be our guide. He offers us discernment from the Holy Spirit to guide and longs to protect us from dangerous situations and even certain people! Yet often we choose to try and navigate life on our own. We de- ceive ourselves into thinking we know where to go and how to get there. We do not believe we need a guide while in fact we continue to find ourselves lost without God's help and intervention. I am learning that allowing God to guide me is comforting and so much better than me attempting to make decisions on my own and go the way in which I "feel" is best. Instead of leaning on my own understanding I have made the conscious decision to lean into God and His plan for my life. What a relief to know I have a guide in God. What a sense of peace I feel knowing I don't have to decide what to do or which way to go all on my own. My Lord is there for me even when the trail gets hard. I should never worry for He goes before me, stands beside me, and at the same time guards my back. Out of Your Comfort Zone By Beverly Weeks Is God calling YOU out of the comfortable? A year ago today, a ride on an F-15E Strike Eagle impacted and changed my life forever. I can't describe the feeling of being in the clouds. We flew to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and then I asked my pilot if we could fly over our city so that I could pray specif- ically for Goldsboro. I knew that God was preparing my heart to run for city council and yet I needed to face the fears of the what-ifs, unknowns, and challenges that come with serving. You see when God calls you, He often takes you out of your comfort zone to do it! Because of fear, insecurities, and the negative brain bullies in my head, it's hard to believe I almost declined this ride. If I had said "NO", I often wonder what else I would have missed out on. Thank you Seymour Johnson AFB Lancers forthis incredible opportunity. There were turns, maneuvers, tears, and lots of G-Force. We broke the sound barrier, went upside down, and YES, I did pass out, throw up and it was absolutely incredible! I have so much respect and honor for the great men and women who serve our country! What is God calling you to do? It's up to us to PRESS into our fear and when we do God promises He'll be there. God doesn't always call the qualified, but He will qualify the called. Love y'all! Beverly

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